Monday, April 2, 2007

Editorial Comment

{[(yes. Bullets are harder and have much more inertia than brick. Brick is porous and so if you shot it, it would leave an impact crater. Much like Crater Park. Only smaller, of course.

Okay. Time line is good. I had been thinking about the "when" of the story. Are we thinking 2007 or more? like 2015 or something like that, or maybe "just tomorrow" where we might have a few clever devices (you guys know how much I love clever devices) I have a line on Isabele and F. that I think is kinda cool, but I'll keep it to myself right now, see what y'all come up with.

The problem with having a great big, deep crater in the middle of a city is that cities, the size of New York and Tokyo take years, decades, centuries, to build and so, unless it was a geological formation that was created by God that the city was built around, you wouldn't be able to have any mystery about it. Unless that just it. Nobody does know how it got there. Sorta mass amnesia or something. Hmm. A little paranormal, but it could be made to work. Maybe it's something in the water. Haha)]}

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

oh yeah. Definitely "just tomorrow" The problem with projecting too far into the future is your predictions are never right about what life will actually be like in 10 years. Remember the Jetson's? Anyway, I think if it's 2007 or 2008... and it's a sort of parrelel universe to ours, so we could get away with a lot of stuff!
Here's my idea about the crater. It happened many years ago. The town was much smaller. However, there was some huge secret about it. So, there was a big cover-up. The whole incident was erased from the books. That's why nobody knows it's there. Maybe some people know it's there... but they don't know why it's such a big secret... just that it is. So, they keep their mouths shut. And anyone who just happens across it either doesn't know it's supposed to be a secret, OR (hehehe) they dissapear and are never heard from again.... *cue sci-fi music*